Thursday, July 10, 2008

Thank You


This is my very first time blogging! I went through blogs of some important people in my life and got so emo'ed and so i decided to start a blog myself. huhu..

Looking through all those blogs,it just made me realise how time is flying by and i wished that i could stop time. Its flying past me soo fast that without realising its already mid 2008 and so many things had happened this year!! I just dont know where to start!!

Sometimes thinking about the next 6 months to come i feel exhausted. There's many more events up my sleeves: studying sessions,PBL's,orientation,EOS 3 and the list never stops! Even at this very moment i have COP to complete and CVS to mug. But whatever it is that I have to go through, i know that it will only make me a better and stronger person and with the help of the Lord,my family and friends i am sure I can go through this as I have went through the first half of 2008!

Thank you to everyone out there who were there for me through my ups and downs. Without your support I would not be the person I am today. Thank you dear Lord for blessing me with such great people in my life. Thank you mummy and daddy for forgiving me,trusting me and believing in me. Thank you Pam,Jenny,Sofia,Sazzy and Eric for being there for me when I was fragile. And to all of my friends, you have given me the strength to move on when I thought that I was too weak to go handle life. Thank you.

Love you guys so much!

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